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August 6-11
Member Event:
Budweiser/AGA Series of Show Jumping
Show Jumping Hall of Fame Series
NAL Series
AA Hunters
Insert Budweiser Logo Here.
Entries Close: Monday, July 15th, 2002
Show Grounds:
Wild Air Farms, Hunt Club Road, Zionsville, IN 46077
25th Traders Point Hunt Charity Horse Show 2002
Welcome to our valued horse show friends. While we are trying to continue our lives after 9/11, most of us find it extremely hard to do.
My Grandson, Zac, wanted to avenge the deaths of the terrorists victims, and is a “Marine Radar” and now at war. Needless to say, my family is very proud of him.
I want to express my deepest sympathy to our friends in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania who has lost loved ones. A bad nightmare is more believable than the reality of these terrifying and tragic events. Now we must show how strong our Nation is and carry on with our activities.
We want to “Welcome” our exhibitors to our exciting Silver Anniversary, “Trader’s Point Show and Country Fair”; there will be lots of parties and 2 Grand Prix. On Friday, August 9th, the $25,000. Russell Fortune Jr.‘s Memorial Grand Prix, and on Sunday, August 11th, the Budweiser $50,000. Grand Prix of Indianapolis.
I would like to thank Budweiser for being our major Corporate Sponsor and having our $50,000. Grand Prix on ESPN again this year. I would also like to thank our other Corporate Sponsors, Our Board, Committee Members, and Volunteers for making the 2002 Horse Show a great success.
As in 2001, “The Little Red Door Cancer Agency” is our benefactor. Last year we gave them $34,000. And the “Northwest Kiwanis Club” food court made $7,500.
Our Hospitality Committee will be anxiously waiting to greet you and looking forward to serving you coffee and donuts every morning, plus water and ice tea during the day. Our Exhibitor’s Luncheon will be on Wednesday, August 7th at noon. The Indianapolis Ballet Luncheon is on Thursday, August 8th; you may call Joan Voyles at (317) 873-5859 or write 720 Round Court, Zionsville, IN 46077- they would love for you to attend.
The ringside Patron’s tables are available by calling Jean McFall (317) 251-5593 or write 8205 Spring Mill Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46260.
There will be a complimentary cocktail and supper party on Friday, August 9th to watch the $25,000. Grand Prix at 5:00 p.m. We want all exhibitors, patrons, and corporate sponsors to attend.
During your stay at Trader’s Point- please feel free to go across country on the 250 acres of trails and streams.
Our Endeavor is to please you, our friends, and help you to have a wonderful time at our 25th show. Please contact me if there is anything I can do to make your stay more pleasant. I will be looking forward to seeing all of you soon.
Best Personal Wishes-
Elizabeth Johnson
Officials List
The Committee reserves the right to add to or vary this list.
8700 East State Rd. 334, Zionsville, IN 46077, Ph# 317-873-2537
8617 East State Rd. 334, Zionsville, IN 46077, Ph# 317-873-6565